What is the retina and what are the common retinal conditions?

The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It is an essential layer responsible for sending the signals to the brain received when we see an object. It is made up of two different cells called rods and cones. Rods are responsible for vision in dim light and. Cones are responsible for daylight and colour vision. Figure 1 : The cone and rod cells present in the retina Pic Courtesy: https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/anatomy-of-photoreceptor-cells-gm1223394024-359350216 The retina is an essential layer of the…

My son has colour blindness. What are the best correction options for him?

Before we look at the correction options for colour blindness, let us first understand what colour blindness is all about. Colour blindness means one does not see colours in a usual way and cannot distinguish between specific colours. The eye functions like a camera and helps capture images and focus them on the innermost layer of the eyeball called the retina. This layer consists of special nerve cells and pigments that help communicate with the brain. There are two types…

My doctor says I have glaucoma, help me understand it better!

What is glaucoma, how to manage it and what are the precautions that need to be taken What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of ocular conditions where there is damage to your optic nerve(the nerve responsible for your eyesight). This is also referred to as the "silent killer of sight". Glaucoma has affected more than 70 million people worldwide, from which 10 per cent are classified as blind in both their eyes. This condition rarely shows any symptoms and…

Let’s wet those drying eyes and feel comfortable again

Dryness in the eyes is emerging as a prevalent complaint in an eye and contact lens clinic. It is observed that one in three patients are having a complaint of dryness in the eyes. The patient may not exactly complain of dryness but presents as a collection of signs and symptoms like redness, foreign body sensation, itching, burning and sometimes watering. Our eyes are constantly bathed in tears produced by the tear glands located behind the outer 1/3rd of the…

Hey, Lazy eye, wake up!

(Amblyopia) Shiney Sebastian (Optometrist and Educator. Ex Senior Faculty, Lotus College of Optometry, Mumbai) What does amblyopia mean?  Amblyopia, commonly known as 'lazy eye', is a condition in which the brain fails to decode the information from the weaker eye and, with time, ends up favouring the better eye. In some cases, amblyopia can occur in both eyes.            Amblyopia generally begins during early childhood.  Symptoms I should look out for - Remember, most children with…

Secrets to enjoying your eye-sight after 40 even on being diagnosed as having presbyopia

Secrets to enjoying your eye-sight after 40 even on being diagnosed as having presbyopia Author: Dr Anitha Arvind In this article, you will understand what is presbyopia and what can you do to manage it effectively. Figure 1: Presbyopia: it’s as normal as greying! Presbyopia is a condition resulting in a gradual loss of the eye's ability to focus on near objects. This is a part of normal ageing as the crystalline lens hardens/stiffens with age. The muscles that hold…