Secrets to enjoying your eye-sight after 40 even on being diagnosed as having presbyopia

In this article, you will understand what is presbyopia and how you can manage it effectively. Figure 1: Presbyopia: it’s as normal as greying! Presbyopia is a condition resulting in a gradual loss of the eye's ability to focus on near objects. This is a part of normal ageing as the crystalline lens hardens/stiffens with age. The muscles that hold the lens in place become weaker. The ability of the lens to accommodate or change its shape and therefore its…

Secrets to enjoying your eye-sight after 40 even on being diagnosed as having presbyopia

Secrets to enjoying your eye-sight after 40 even on being diagnosed as having presbyopia Author: Dr Anitha Arvind In this article, you will understand what is presbyopia and what can you do to manage it effectively. Figure 1: Presbyopia: it’s as normal as greying! Presbyopia is a condition resulting in a gradual loss of the eye's ability to focus on near objects. This is a part of normal ageing as the crystalline lens hardens/stiffens with age. The muscles that hold…