Kids Corner – Fun with eyes and vision

Yeshwant Saoji Consultant Optometrist, Saoji Vision Care, Nagpur. Our eyes are windows to the brain In this article, you will learn more about your beautiful eyes. This article will explain to you how the eyes work and what is present inside them that helps us to see. Dear Little friends, as you read this article, I am sure you realize that you are mainly using your sense of sight to absorb the most from this piece of information amongst…

Understand the timeline of what your baby sees

Understand the timeline of what your baby sees(Visual milestones and development) Authors: Ms Aaisha, Prof. Monica Chaudhry, Dr Meena Kharat Reviewed by Dr Anitha Aravind Figure 1 : Your child’s vision is no child’s play! Babies at birth do not have developed vision. Like walking and talking, visual abilities also develop with increasing age. The eyes and visual system grow over time; hence babies at birth do not have adult-like vision. Vision is critical to a child’s development. Any problems…

Eye care for kids!

Our eyes: Our window to the world In this article, you will learn more about your beautiful eyes. This article will explain to you how the eyes work and what is present inside them that helps us to see. Dear Little friends, as you read this article, I am sure you realize that you are mainly using your sense of sight to absorb the most from this piece of information amongst other senses. In fact, research has shown that whatever…